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Sign up for the conference!  


Make a poster and present it for prizes!


Zippy 5 minute presentation. 

Undergraduate & Graduate Research

Make a 15 minute presentation.

Registration & Submission will open in August 2025

Deadlines and Applications

9/7/2025: Submit Your Abstract                              9/14/2025: Acceptance Notification

9/21/2025: Register for Conference

Registration Fee:   $  99 - Student 

                              $149 - Faculty

                              $149 - New graduate within the last 2 years

                              $300 - Professional


Note: Registration includes Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch, hotel room, and conference participation.

Note: You do not have to register for the conference to submit your abstract. However, if you are not registered by September 21st, your abstract will be rejected.

Posters (For more info, please contact TBD)

Posters provide an opportunity for an informal presentation featuring “give and take” with conference attendees. Students from a variety of backgrounds can participate and present a poster. This is a good way in which to discuss and receive feedback on a work in progress that has not been fully developed into a paper. You do not have to have conducted research to present a poster.

How to participate

Compose a 200-word abstract without figures, tables, or references. Limit title to 15 words, capitalize first word and proper nouns only. Format author name: First Last, with optional middle name/initial, no title/degree (except III, Jr.) During submission, designate keywords or topics, e.g., artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, mobile computing, etc. Also, consider broadening participation and computer science education. Seek input from advisor. Submit entries early. Acceptance notification: October 3.

Poster Competition

Best undergraduate and graduate posters will be recognized. 

Two categories of posters will be accepted: General and Research. General posters will be evaluated by a committee using the following criteria.

  • Significance of topic and relevance

  • Visual presentation

  • Oral presentation

In addition to the above criteria, research posters will also be evaluated on

  • Scientific or Technical approach

Recent course projects as well as research work are excellent candidate topics. The judges committee will use their discretion in determining whether a poster falls into the general or technical category.



You will be expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the poster contest in order to set up your poster. Typical poster size is 48×36 inches. We will provide a tri-fold of this size for presenting the poster at the conference. A poster is expected to visually and concisely describe your work in an organized manner. You are expected to remain by your poster during the length of the contest. Judges will make their rounds during the contest.


To be determined

Lightning Talks (For more info, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Kleiman,

Lightning talks are short, mini-presentations to provide opportunities for people to share their work/research/educational activities, insights learned, as well as promoting interactions and collaborations.

Presentation Time 

Each lightning talk presentation will be about 5 – 7 minutes. To accommodate multiple presentations in a limited amount of time, we will enforce strict time control to make sure everyone gets the allotted time to give their talk.


You are expected to arrive 5 minutes earlier before your scheduled session and introduce yourself to the moderator. This would be a good time to test your slides before your presentation begins. You will be provided with a computer with Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Your moderator may instruct you to copy your slides to the computer. A flash drive with your presentation slides is highly recommended. If your presentation slides are not Microsoft Office PowerPoint compliant, you will be responsible for the technical support of your presentation (e.g., bring your own laptop).


Undergraduate & Graduate Research Presentations

(For more info, please contact TBD)

Undergraduate & Graduate Research Presentations are for those who have completed or are currently pursuing research in computing. This is a 15-minute presentation to present your findings. The acceptance will be based on the abstract you provide.

Presentation Time 

Each presentation is 15 minutes long. We will only have a few minutes between each presentation therefore strict time control will be enforced.


You are expected to arrive 5 minutes earlier before your scheduled session and introduce yourself to the moderator. This would be a good time to test your slides before your presentation begins. You will be provided with a computer with Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Your moderator may instruct you to copy your slides to the computer. A flash drive with your presentation slides is highly recommended. If your presentation slides are not Microsoft Office PowerPoint compliant, you will be responsible for the technical support of your presentation (e.g., bring your own laptop and adapter).

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